Well it took long enough! The last few days I’ve been taking medication in the morning then feeling fine the rest of the day and barely needing any. Yesterday it was 1 percoset at 7 am – then 1 at 5:30 pm. This morning it was 2 Tylenol at 6:15 am then none all day. I was so thrilled that the hurt finally, FINALLY died down and went away – that I celebrated with 2 small glasses of a nice white table wine! Oh – such an easy small buzz never felt so good.
I started driving right before I went back to work – wasn’t so great first time out to the library. I parked in a parking garage – mistake! So much turning irritated everything a bit. But after a few days – all was well.
I’m at 5 and a half weeks today. Something magical about 6 weeks. Next Monday I’m going to the gym! Will only be stretching and maybe running or light erg (turning the tension down as low as it will go) – to see how things go. My calf muscles are so tight it’s ridiculous! Everything is. Will spend week #1 just stretching – lots of mobility!
Sleeping really well these days. Found a great sleep/hypno app – Deep Sleep with Andrew Johnson. If I’m tired -puts me right out. I’ve gotten used to his thick accent and now quite enjoy it. Lulls me to sleep.
Also – was SUPER DUPER excited that I went camping (in a tent!) with my family this past weekend. So nice to be OUT of the house and feel normal again!! Oh how I had missed it. I slept on a brand new cot (thank you amazing husband!) and all bundled up. Was perfect weather for camping and relaxing. Got my heart rate up a bit on a small hike – even trying to take it easy there was a bit I had to go to get back up from where I’d gone down to! All in all it was great. Also was the first time today that I walked up all 3 flights of stairs at work – only once. Trying to wait the full 6 weeks to take it easy. If I blow it now it would be bad…… patience is key!